Here are some photos from the USSVI tour of the Blueback on May, 2001.  To start things off, here is a summary by Pat Householder (sent to attendees and base members via email) who was instrumental in organizing this very successful tour:

Shipmates, I sure had a good time on our "Portland Patrol", and I hope you did as well. It's always nice to visit a submarine, especially one as well preserved and maintained as Blueback. The stop at the Casino was fun too, especially since we had one member win a $ 1,000 and another win $ 200.00. Nice folks, those Casino people. Robbie reported the breakfast chow (scrambled eggs, etc) being top notch too. I held out for lunch, which wasn't bad either, and only 2.50 ea. What a deal!

On the way down we watched a number of videos and listened to the Tommy Cox CD called "Take Her Deep." Immediately thereafter every Tommy Cox CD I had in stock was purchased. (Yeah, I had it planned, but I like that CD so doggone much, I knew everyone else would too.) 

We also showed the video John Mansfield produced of the Holland Club Ceremony. Several folks asked to get copies. The VHS Tape is $ 10.00 if you want a copy.  There also is a picture CD of the ceremony and the text of the speech and bios for $ 10.00; 15.00 for both. As always, proceeds go to the Seattle Base treasury. Well, enough of the shameless plugs...

After leaving the casino, we held a drawing to give away 20 or so prizes the casino supplied, and we watched a video Ric Hedman provided of the USS Blenny in WW2 and video of her ultimate fate, being sunk to provide an artificial reef 12 miles off on Maryland several years ago. Very interesting tape. Thanks, Ric.

Arriving at OMSI in Portland, we broke into three groups for our tours of Blueback, which took maybe 1 1/2 hours to complete.

On the way home we played submariner trivial pursuit, also known as "Qual Questions" about current and past submarine lore. Twelve prizes were given, ranging from decals, pins, USSVI polo shirt. submarine watercolor copies, and a 100th Anniversary Sweatshirt. Ric called the questions. Cliff and I spotted the winners and handed out the prizes. It was fun and slightly educational. We also did a ticket raffle for the Bremerton Base Scholarship fund. Jan Stiffey sweetened the pot by contributing three items from his company to immediately raffle off.

After a long day, the last of our tired but happy crew were dropped off around 11 PM and the bus headed for the barn.

Many MANY thanks to Jan "Bear" Stiffey, former "Bull Nuke" and our driver/tourguide and member of Bremerton Base for his help in the organization and implementation of the tour. It could not have happened without his support.

Photos of the trip will be posted in a day or so. I'll let you know. If anyone would like a CD photo album of the trip, I'll make them for $10.00; proceeds to the base.

Now, some photos from the trip (click on them to view in full size):

USS Blueback  SS-581 Blueback Memorial Blueback sail
Blueback propellor
Don Gentry in berthing area
Denny Doyle and Ric Hedman take last look at Blueback Blueback torpedo room Blueback engine room
Blueback galley Denny Doyle in berthing area Blueback scullery
