Shipmate Tom Gilbert is in dire need of financial
support - please help - Don Gentry
(from Tom Conlon, Nat'l Cdr, USSVI)
The Board of Directors and I
recently received a letter from Charles Parker, Commander of USSVI Drum
Base in Florida.
Tom Gilbert, one of the Drum Base members
is in a life-threatening situation. Essentially he needs a heart
transplant and lost almost everything in Hurricane Ivan last year. He and
his family have had to make numerous journeys to a hospital in
Jacksonville, FL for tests and other procedures related to heart
This, combined with the financial losses
from Hurricane Ivan, has left them in great financial
Below is the relevant information from the
communication we received:
"My name is Charles (Marshall)
Parker—Base Commander of the Drum Base in Pensacola, Florida.. One of our
members (Tom Gilbert) is in dire need of our assistance. Tom is suffering
from congestive heart failure. Tom’s health over the past five (5) years
has declined and his heart capacity is down to less than 18%.
Recently—Med-Evac’d to Jacksonville’s MAYO Clinic where he was stabilized
in ICU and endured a long course of treatment to reclaim a reasonable
health standard and more importantly a possible candidate for a heart
transplant (when available) or external heart pump. Tom is departing for
again, for Jacksonville on the 22nd of May to undergo tests make him
eligible to go on the “Heart Donor List”. Without either—his condition
will be foregone conclusion and the finality listed under “Shipmate, Rest
Your Oars”."
"Tom is a Life member of USSVI (L-0868) since Aug. of
1993. He served on the USS Sea Owl (SS4OS) and USS Harder (SS568). He was
the driving force in establishing the “Lifeguard League Monument”, in
Pensacola. He and spouse Suzie lost their semi-completed dream house and
temporary mobile home in Hurricane IVAN that devastated Pensacola/ Milton.
The Federal Emergency Management Authority (FEMA) has provided a new
mobile home at a low interest rate. Tom health forced him to retire early
from the Federal Work-force and he only receives a partial retirement and
is used to pay current “Blue Cross” payments. He collects Social Security
Disability but at a reduced rate by not having secured enough credits. Tom
is 63.
With a new round of tests there is nothing left in the
Gilbert budget to account for per diem, gas or food. Federal, State and
other charities do not account for these expenses. The Drum Base and its
Ladies Auxiliary donated from the respective Treasuries the amount of $700
dollars. Personal donations from the members of Drum Base were $790. It is
requested that the foundation consider matching these funds and alleviate
the expense of a prolonged stay in Jacksonville by spouse and dependent
We have since learned that Tom has gone to Jacksonville
and has completed some of the tests. He is a candidate for and is on a
list for a heart transplant. However, he still has to travel to and from
Jacksonville for additional tests and other procedures.
Board discussed using funds from the Brotherhood Fund withing the USSVI
Charitable Foundation. After discussion, we allocated $1000 to help our
Shipmate and subsequently sent a check to the contact at Drum
Additionally, we have set up a temporary Fund within the
Brotherhood fund that you and your Base may donate to. That fund,
appropriately enough, is the “Tom Gilbert Fund.”
Gentlemen, this is
what the USSVI Brotherhood Fund is all about – Shipmates helping
Shipmates. You all remember what it was like back when we were on the
Boats. If a shipmate was in distress, we “passed the hat” or left a white
hat in Crew’s Mess where Shipmates could put in a few dollars to help out.
This is no different.
I ask you to
invite donations from your members and send the money to:
Borgmann, USSVI National Office ATTN, Tom Gilbert Fund P.O. Box
3870 Silverdale, WA 98353
We will leave this
temporary fund open for 90 days [this article posted 5JUN2005]. At the end
of 90 days, we will send any monies that we collect to the Gilbert
As I said above, this is what the Brotherhood Fund is all
about – shipmates helping Shipmates.
I’m sure that you’ll be
generous in helping this shipmate.
Running HSN, Tom Conlon,