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One More BASH for Gary "Cowboy" McLaughlin

This one will celebrate the life of our shipmate.

On the 17th of September, 2005, Cowboy received his final orders.  There will be a celebration of his life at the Caballo Gordo ranch, where the "Bash at the Ranch" took place in 2001.

When: October 8, 2005 - 1pm to 5pm   (come earlier and join the work party!)

Where: Raymond, CA  (Map1 - Map 2 )  Raymond is in the center (the red star) of each map.

Attendees: List of folks that have RSVP'd thus far.

Directions from Raymond: As you drive thru Raymond, just past the General Store make a left on 613, follow to Barn Owl Road (about a mile, I think) turn right on Barn Owl and follow to the end. You be there.   For the original Bash directions, click here .

Flights: Fresno would likely be closest airport of size.  San Jose is another choice, farther away, but a beautiful drive through garlic country.  If anyone has more info on airports, please email Don at webmaster@submarinesailor.com

BBQ: 4pm.  Leonard Sanders (Coosie), Phil Sutton of the Road Kill crew, and master egg scrambler Jon Krup - the famous cooks from the Bash at the Ranch, will be serving the meal. Coosie, Phil and Jon are plannin' on fixing tri tip, chicken, cowboy potatoes, beans, salad and an assortment of desserts.

Contribution: $10 per *person for a most memorable chuckwagon meal!
 *kids under 12 are $5...  kids under 6 are free

RSVP: Coosie's dinner is dutch oven style. So that he can prepare for everyone, we need a head count. Please RSVP to blinneATpacbell.net (replace the "AT" in the email addy, you know the drill).

Uniform of the Day: Casual attire is recommended for the Ranch environment - if you become leg weary, the closest seat just might be a bale of hay or a fence rail :-)   Submarine vests, hats and other regalia would be most fitting if you have them.

RVs / Tent Campers: RVs and camping will be accomodated on the Ranch the nights of the 7th and 8th. Cot camping in the barn will also be available. Camping must be self-contained, the Ranch House will not be available (there will be porta-pottys on site).  Other than food provided at the main BBQ, campers should come with their own provisions for the remainder of their stay.

Raymond, CA Weather Report: Click here .

This page last updated: 28SEP2005 - 2035 PST    (To be updated regularly as needed)

"Well Cowboy, there will be second Bash afterall - I know you wanted one - and here it's gonna happen, pard!  I know you'll be there... and it'll be good to be with ya one last time.  Just like before, Bill runnin' us all into the ground with workparty after workparty... Coosie smokin' up the joint with his fine offerings (hmmm, wonder if the cowboy coffee will be steamin' hot?)... and your lovely bride Sue welcoming us one more time and adding a gentleness to it all.  Yep saddle pal, it's gonna be beautiful... just like you wanted..."